Teachers, How will you make the first week of school meaningful to your students?
What have you done / what will you do with the #1st5days?
My plan is to explain what I did during my first week of school PLUS why I did it/why it is meaningful to my students.
My First Week of School
My goal for the first day of class is to let my students know what I expect out of them. I don't spend a lot of time with introductions because, like any school, I have students switching classes and sections like crazy on the first day. I strive to answer the question that many of my students wrestle with:
"I don't like science. I don't care about science. Why am I stuck in Biology class."
I think Aurora's Mission Statement answers this very well. Here is our new and (maybe) improved mission statement:
Aurora Public Schools provide learning opportunities for all learners in academics, social interactions, and extra-curricular activities.
I have used this to show students that school is more than just academics. Likewise, Biology is about much more that just science. In my high school class (working with sophomores) I want to develop skills they will use later in life regardless of their interests.My Biology mission statement is all about developing useful skills like communication, teamwork, focus, and networking. Thing that will help my students even if they don't use biology again (which is my nightmare...)
I also had the opportunity to attend ALP last year which emphasizes engagement and getting every student doing everything everyday. I made a poster that I am inexplicably proud of. It is a quick and easy way for me to remind everyone that paying attention is something visible that I should be able to see everyday.
Biology Welcome PowerPoint
On Tuesday we started getting into science curriculum. I try to get my students to understand that science is something you DO, not something you memorize! The exciting thing we did this year is we started BLOGGING!! Let me do some explaining...
I have never given my students textbooks because I think textbooks are boring. (That is where the "not really" part of the titel come in.)Now, if I,someone who loves science, think textbooks are boring, I know my students will be bored out of their minds reading chapter sections and answering questions about it. Also, I don't think it is a very good way to get students to care or remember what they learn. I know I have never used a textbook to answer a question since I left college. Instead, I use the internet machine and I think most of my students do too. I know its important for my students to read in my class, so I find articles online about topics we discuss in class. These articles are always more exciting than any textbook, plus they are thinking about science in a way that will be useful after high school.
I do a strategy that is a modified version of close reading where I read the article out loud and they read the next word whenever I stop. After we are done, as a class we define any confusing terms and answer some opinionated questions. I try to find articles that would allow my students to take one side or the other. Here is our article about science and society.
Ebola Article
I asked my students to explain either why the sick doctors should have been left in Africa, or why they should have been brought back to the US. Here are their opinions:
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
I'm excited to see if my students stay excited about blogging or if they tire of it as the year goes on.
Characteristics of Science PowerPoint
We finished our blogs and posted them on Wednesday. I also had my students do a presentation on a famous scientist to show how society and science are related. I wrote a blogpost about this last year so you can read all about it if you are interested. Scientist Presentations
Last year I also discovered the power of bellringers, so I used to start every class period with a multiple choice questions (similar to a standardized test questions) and had them hold up a 1 for A, a 2 for B, a 3 for C and a 4 for D. I found that I had 4 students answer the question and 18 students copy the answer without thinking. This year I decided to replace it with Kahoot! and it has worked out great so far. I keep a running total of their scores throughout the week and at the end of the week the students with the most points gets a prize!
On Thursday, I devoted the entire class period to listening to student presentations. I wanted my students to pay attention to what their classmates were saying so I decided to let them tweet during the presentation. I was nervous that the students would being checking their twitter accounts instead of tweeting, but I thought they did a great job! I should have expected it, but my students seemed more focused on making their classmates laugh than they were about tweeting accurate information... All in all, I was very impressed and thought they did a great job. Here is a record of all the tweets dropped on Thursday.Storify of Student Tweets I'm excited to try it again with other presentations!
This is one of my favorite tweets:"What people said to Rosalind when she was a girl scientist. #ahsbio"
Friday was a little less exciting in that we covered information about the Scientific Method. It was a little bit more like your typical science class, where I just shared information that I thought was important for students to know. I did try to spice things up a bit by getting students up and moving with some engagement strategies.
Scientific Method PowerPoint
I would love to see what other high school teacher do during their first week. I'm sure it seems like I crammed a lot into the first week, but remember I probably have twice as much time as most teachers. If you want, I would be thrilled to read in comments you might have!
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